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Harvest Discipleship

Harvest Discipleship is a tool for comprehensive Discipleship, used with great results for more than 10 years, in the USA and internationally.

The Great Commission is to go and make disciples, (Mt 28:19,20) yet many Christians do not know how to live as disciples of Jesus, and more don’t know how to make disciples! Harvest Discipleship is designed to equip Christians to live confidently as true disciples and to be able to reproduce what Christ has done in them by discipling others.



Jesus called people to follow Him as disciples. From these disciples, Christianity spread throughout the world as they led others to Christ and taught them how to know and follow Jesus. This is Discipleship: Bringing people to Christ and teaching them to know and follow Him. This is God’s plan for reaching the world!


our mission

Disciple someone. Do not wait for a vision or for lightning to strike. JUST DO IT and God will work through you and direct you!



Harvest Discipleship is a five-phase study for small groups or one on one discipleship. Each workbook may be done as a stand-alone study. Taken together, the five phases provide a wide range of in-depth teaching and experiences to equip people as disciples. Each lesson includes teaching, questions, scripture and weekly assignments to guide discussion and lead to an understanding of what it means to be a faithful disciple. The goal is to help Christians live as victorious disciples of Jesus and help them multiply their lives by effectively discipling others for Him.

Group members do each workbook lesson before meeting and are ready to share experiences and insights. They commit to read at least 10 chapters of the Bible weekly, being changed by the word, and participate in a wonderful variety of private and corporate prayer and ministry experiences. Group members should KNOW God better, BECOME the person God created them to be, and begin to DO what God put them on earth to do.

Click on the images below for a list of topics and spiritual growth exercises for each phase.